Dasma force multipliers help woman deliver baby girl

Thanks to a group of police force multipliers, a woman successfully gave birth to her child in Dasmariñas. She was footsteps away from the birthing center’s front door Saturday, but didn’t make it.

A woman gave birth to a healthy baby girl just steps away from a birthing center on Saturday morning, with the assistance of a group of police force multipliers from PHMI – Dasmariñas City Cavite Chapter.

I’m not entirely sure what the caption will be but let me tell you a little story.. PHMI – Dasmariñas City Cavite…

Posted by Aki Samson on Saturday, August 21, 2021

Netizen Aki Samson shared on Facebook the woman in labor shouted that the infant’s head was already coming out and approached their group to seek for help. 

The volunteers were about to conduct clean-up drive at Brgy. San Nicholas II around 7:30 a.m. last August 21. 

“Everyone was shocked and ran hurriedly to the mommy who [was] apparently waiting for the lying-In clinic to open right beside the covered xourt,” Samson wrote.

“As we get there we saw that the baby was out already. Luckily, our policewomen caught the baby in time,” he added.

The netizen said the woman and her child were attended by another woman wearing a PPE uniform who is believed to be the doctor or the midwife of the near birthing center.

“[S]he cut the cords of the baby and took ‘her’ to the clinic while everyone else is helping Ate (the mommy) in a stretcher at ipinasok na sa lying-in clinic,” he continued.

“This is my first time seeing a situation like this, akala ko sa pelikula lang..pero nagkakatotoo pala. [K]udos to our uniformed personnel, Kabalikat Civicom and FCCW who never hesitated in helping ate and the baby. Definitely a day to remember!”

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